The parkour trainer, owner of Flying Ninjas and partner with Thierstein Academy, is known for his exceptional patience.

He specializes in teaching students how to balance and overcome 'dream friction,' allowing them to move quickly and smoothly in lucid dreams. However, his training can be repetitive, making students practice the same moves over and over.

Battling the relentless discomfort of Jumper's Knee, a relentless reminder of his high-flying parkour days, he masks his agony with a veil of painkillers.

Gravity's a Joke

Watching this kid, you can tell they're green. We're not just jumping around here; this is serious business. In dreams, gravity's a joke — flips on you faster than a coin. This newbie needs to get that, be ready for any crazy twist or turn.

But there's a glimmer — maybe she's starting to see it, the fluid dance of dream physics.

You can't teach a bird to see the wind, invisible yet omnipresent. Sometimes, you just have to push them out of the nest, trust in their instinct to spread their wings. It's in that free fall, that terrifying, exhilarating plunge, where the lesson of overcoming truly begins.


In this space, gravity is as mercurial as the shifting sands, ready to betray you at any moment.

Crucial for this novice to understand that. Up might suddenly be down.


Dream Friction

Sometimes you must risk the stable path you walk.

Here, we're deep in 'dream friction' territory. Like running through a swamp, every step's a battle.

It's not about how fast you are.

It's about how quick you think, how you adapt. We drill this until it becomes part of them, fighting against an invisible force at every turn.


You start to think you can control it, but that's the first mistake. You don't control dreams; you ride them, like a surfer on a wave of thoughts and memories, never quite sure where it'll break.

Respect the Dream


That's the lesson I need to impart — not just the mechanics, but the mindset. Respect the dream, ride the wave, stay alert. It's a balance, like walking a tightrope made of smoke and mirrors. You slip, you fall, you die. You want to keep deaths to a minimum. Remember your foundational briefing. Avoid Vivification Sickness.


Jumper's Knee

Knee's acting up again, my old nemesis, Jumper's Knee. Back in the day, I was flying high; now I'm counting seconds to the next painkiller dose. But these kids, they remind me of the thrill, the rush. I'm more than their coach; I'm the guy showing them the sky's not the limit in their dreams.

Sky's not the limit

Overcome the pain

I shift my weight, hiding the pain. Can't let them see me like an old man struggling. They've got to believe they can leap higher, push further than I ever did. Overcome the pain, the pull of gravity, the friction. Who knows, maybe they'll be the ones to break all the barriers.

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