A teen who relishes the thrill of newfound agility in her lucid dreams.

But seems to have little faith for friendships in the wake world.

Her strange ability to resume dreams where she paused the night before gives her a unique sense of moving thru deepest dreamscapes without getting lost.


Lollipop Sky

Whoa, check this out! The sky's all swirly, like someone mixed up orange 'n' purple paint. I bet if you licked it, it'd taste like grape! It's like a big, twisty lollipop overhead. Awesomeness! Is it gonna rain cotton candy or something?


Dancing Flamingo

Pinch me! A flamingo just popped out of nowhere! But this isn't your boring, regular flamingo. It's not pink - it's lit red, Glowing almost. And guess what? It starts dancing! Doing this twisting Indian TikTok challenge. Legs like wiggly spaghetti. I can't stop giggling. So goofy!

"Hey, great dance! You've earned a snack!"

But what do I have? I look around – nothing to feed it with... Then - POOF! My hand's holding a bunch of shimmering, star-shaped snacks. I toss it to the flamingo and it happily munches away.



But then, whoa, things get kinda freaky. The ground starts shaking like a mega giant is stomping around. Got this freaky premonition - it's always bad news in my dreams.

Stuck in Goo

And then, ugh, these creepy shadow things start coming at me. They're all ghosty and weird, reaching for my legs. It's like a bad Halloween trick. I try to run, but it's like I'm stuck in goo or something.

Gotta call Kastor!

Cold, icky shadow fingers grab at me from all sides, blocking me from getting my totem. I fumble around with the joggler, my push-toy with the green coat and the silly, dancing balls. My hands all jittery.


Welcome Morning Star

Boom! Kastor enters my dream stage, thank goodness! My bestie in his drip green armor, all brave and serious. He starts battle with those spooky shadows, and it's epic! Kastor swings his awesome Morgenstern, whooshes the spiky iron ball like a valid ninja, cooks up those creepy shadow grabbers left and right!

...and the Oscar for best stunt goes to...Kastor Leeper!


Finally, the shadows poof! They're gone, and everything's calm again. The ground stops doing the jiggly dance, and the sky goes back to being a pretty, swirly thing.


For a brief blissful moment, all is fine. Until Kastor reminds me:

Maja, I'm not your playmate.
Cry Wolf too often, and the real one finds you alone.

As if I would summon these shadows on purpose...

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